Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 09

Christmas has come and gone now for New Years!! Christmas was fun this year Landen is starting to figure out the whole santa thing, He loves Santa!! Here are some pics of our Christmas Day, Next year will be a whole other story with another little one around!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Long Time !!

Sorry Its been awhile since my last post, I need to kick things in the butt!! Well not much has been going on, We went back to disneyland in Oct and headed back in February, we got Annual Passes so we got to use it up!!

Were expecting our second child in April, We are having a little girl and were going to name her Addison, We are so thrilled to have her coming into our lifes! Landen is so excited for her to come!!We are just getting thing ready for her.

Thats about all the most exciting news around our house, I will keep up this time! Here are some extra pics!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun Times!!!

So I was just looking through my old pictures and just found these. My Grandma & Grandpa Hanson took us down to Zions Ponderosa. Russell and I were only married for 4 months. It was so much fun to be down there. here are some pics of us ( i just love russell hair, he was growing it out to a shag!!!)

Island Park....well Ashton, Idaho !!

We went up to Ashton, ID a couple weeks ago with russells family. We had a blast.We left on a friday morning and stoped at Maddocks for lunch. It was yummy!!! We stayed at this beautiful cabin. There was plenty of room for 25 of us!! The chids just played inside on the air hockey and ping pong table most of the time. The Men went snowmobiling everyday they had a blast. The cabin was right along side a River and it was beautiful. One Mid-Morning we saw 2 deer in the river just walking up it. It was nice to relax. But on the fourth day we were ready to come home. I only took a couple of pics of the room we were in. We had our own bathroom in our room. It was supposto be a steam shower but the steam didnt work! Here is the website to look at more pics of the place . I highly recommend it. It was not that expensive if u have a larger group.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Catching up!!

So its been about a month since i last posted something. So i thought i beeter write something. Christmas was good this year. Landen finally gets the idea of opening gifts. He got a lot of toys this year. And a cool play slide from grandma greensides! He loves it! New Years we just had some friends over for dinner and games! It was a blast. Lando even celebrated the new year with us, but after it was straight to bed!!
Yesterday was landen first day in Nursery!! He did a really good job. I stayed in the room with him for a little bit until he didnt need me anymore. It was nice to actually go to sunday school!!! We also went to see the new Draper temple! We went for a special night. My aunt Debbie works at the church office building for the temples and they were doing a special night for them and there families. It was more like a test run to see if everything goes smoothly before the open house! And can i just say that i am truely amazed at how BEAUTIFUL that temple is. They call it a medium size temple. Every room is just amazing. Its very modern!! Love it. I Cant wait till it actually opens so we can go do a sesion!! Well that about all that happend this month. Here are some photos from christmas!!